Welcome to Whakamārama School
Established in 1914, Whakamārama School has its own special character. Being a rural school, we have plenty of opportunities to use the outdoors in our learning programmes. Whakamārama School caters for students in Years 1 to 8. It is located in elevated and attractive grounds North of Tauranga. The school roll is from the surrounding lifestyle block area that includes a nearby bush reserve. The majority of our children live within the immediate neighbourhood. It is a safe and desirable place to bring up a family. The school enjoys strong traditional community support and celebrated its Centennial in 2014. Students and families benefit from the partnership with the kindergarten, which is situated next to the school. Shared activities support students as they transition from kindergarten to school. Our school is on a sustainability journey. Through exploration, discovery and connections with the environment, our students experience how to make decisions and take action to improve the physical and social environment of our places, our community and our world. The school and grounds are used by the public and offer an open green area available for recreation. There are a range of other facilities available for the school and the public to use, including the community hall, playground, fitness trail and tennis court. Community and school expectations are high for student well-being and success. Families and the school value education, and are very supportive of school activities. With students who are generally healthy and engaged, teachers are able to focus on learning. The school provides a range of creative, extracurricular activities and learning support programmes. The relationship between school and our parents, caregivers and whānau is crucial. Parents. caregivers and whānau take an active interest in our school and are visible in a range of activities both in and outside the classroom. A sense of family and community is an important aspect of Whakamārama School. |